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by Ruaraidh Gilmour
18 March 2023
Political Spin: Lisa Cameron MP

Lisa Cameron and Brian May

Political Spin: Lisa Cameron MP

What was the first record that you ever bought?

It was Come On Eileen, by Dexy’s Midnight Runners. And I actually do still quite like that song; it always gets you up dancing. It had quite a good video at the time, which was quite a new thing – maybe that shows my age.

What record will always get you on the dance floor?

There are probably a few. My favourite is probably The Cult, She Sells Sanctuary. Ian Astbury was my favourite, and he was my first crush. 

Did you ever get the chance to meet him?

No, I met Billy Duffy (guitarist of The Cult), but never Ian Astbury.

What is your karaoke song?

I’ve done Kate Bush [Running up that hill] before. It’s quite a difficult song, so it is more comedy karaoke.

Didn’t that make its way back into the charts last year?

It did. I noticed because my daughter was singing it, and much better than I do.

What song was your first dance at your wedding and why?

We had the Bee Gees. But the best dance at my wedding was Billy Idol’s White Wedding, which is obviously a great song to have at your wedding. I was a big fan of Billy Idol when I was young, so I made sure that he was being played. That being said, we couldn’t really do the first dance to that. I actually went for dancing lessons for our first dance, but I hadn’t factored in having a very long dress on and not being able to do the moves in the dress. 

What songs do you want played at your funeral?

Oh, maybe The Beatles’ Eleanor Rigby. It has a great message about life and death and how that comes together; it really is quite poignant. I also like Hey Jude. So, it would probably be a Beatles song. 

What songs or music is guaranteed to make you cry?

Maybe Sunshine on Leith. I like the film and my husband is a Hibs fan, and he’s always crying at the football.

What music would you always associate with your childhood?

Guns N’ Roses. I went to Donington to see them. I also went to see Bon Jovi. And I also liked Metallica as well, so I was kind of into rock music. 

What record do you absolutely hate but can’t get out of your head?

Oh, what was the one, the Barbie one. “Come on Barbie, let’s go party”. It just one of those annoying songs that gets stuck in your head, and actually when you’re on holiday you don’t mind it so much. 

What record would you be embarrassed to owning up to having in your collection?

Well, I didn’t own it, but I was given Seven Tears by the Goombay Dance Band. I think it was number one when I was really small. I didn’t ever buy it, but yeah, I was given it. It is quite melodic, but definitely not something that I was into. 

What was the last band you went to see and who with?

I went to see Placebo, and I went with some people from work. It was actually before I was elected, so that just shows how being elected interferes with your ability to enjoy music. I would love to see Iron Maiden again and I’m keen to get back to a big outdoor concert because my daughter is at an age where I can probably bring her along.

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