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12 November 2015
Nicola Sturgeon ‘will legislate’ on gender balance

Nicola Sturgeon ‘will legislate’ on gender balance

Nicola Sturgeon is set to promise to make gender balance on public sector boards enshrined in law if the SNP is re-elected next year.

During a speech she is set to give later today, Ms Sturgeon will point to the Scottish parliament where the three largest parties are led by women, and will say it shows how far social attitudes have progressed.

The First Minister will pledge to introduce legislation within a year to support gender balance, as well as challenging the private sector to do the same if the SNP is reelected next May.


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Is Scotland closing the gender gap?

Ms Sturgeon will say: “Scotland is potentially at a tipping point in relation to gender equality. Social attitudes have progressed significantly here, as they are doing in many countries around the world.

“We currently have a Scottish parliament where the presiding officer, and the leaders of the three largest parties, are all female. We also have a gender balanced Cabinet...

“I firmly believe that we should embed the commitment to a more diverse and gender balanced board membership.

"So, following the passage of the Scotland bill, I can confirm that if re-elected the SNP will consult and bring forward legislation on gender balance in public sector boards in the first year of the next parliament.”

Meanwhile the latest Dods Parliamentary Companion reveals Wales is leading the way on gender balance with 41.7 per cent female AMs, while the Scottish Parliament comes in second with 35.2 per cent MSPs.

Despite a huge upsurge in female MPs being elected to Westminster at the last general election – the 2015 intake included 46 per cent women – the UK Parliament still lags behind on 29.4 per cent.

To order your copy of Dods Parliamentary Companion or to contact the team: click on Dods ShopEmail ( or call 020 7593 5745.

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