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by Jenni Davidson
19 December 2018
New chair appointed to the Scottish Law Commission

New chair appointed to the Scottish Law Commission

A legal text - Image credit: Fotolia

Lady Ann Paton has been appointed as the new chair of the Scottish Law Commission (SLC), the body responsible for promoting reform and modernisation of the law in Scotland.

Paton is an appeal court judge who served on the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board between 1995 and 1999 and the Parole Board from 2003 to 2007.

She has experience of both civil and criminal law, and prosecuted crime in the High Court as an advocate depute between 1992 and 1995.

Paton became an advocate at the Scottish Bar in 1977, a QC in 1990, a judge in 2000 and an appeal court judge in 2007.

She is also the author of a number of law texts including Gloag and Henderson, Law of Scotland and McEwan and Paton, Damages for Personal Injuries in Scotland.

The appointment to the SLC is made on a part-time basis, with 60 per cent of Paton’s time to be spent on commission business and the rest of her time for her judicial role.

Paton will continue to be paid her judicial salary and receive no additional payment for the SLC work.

The appointment is for five years and will run from 1 January 2019 to 31 December 2023.

Current chair of the SLC Lord Pentland congratulated Paton on her appointment as his successor and wished her “every success in the role”.

He said: “The importance of systematic law reform by the country’s independent law reform agency cannot be underestimated.

“It is vital for our society that the law is kept up to date and in tune with today’s values and beliefs.

“It is critical also for the prosperity of the country that business and commerce can rely on a legal system that meets modern needs.

“The Scottish Law Commission exists to promote reform of Scots law.

“I am confident that Lady Paton will take forward the work of the commission with these aims clearly in view".

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