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21 October 2015
Labour MSP Drew Smith to stand down

Labour MSP Drew Smith to stand down

One of Scotland’s youngest MSPs has announced that he is stepping down from Holyrood.

Labour MSP Drew Smith said it had been a “privilege more than a personal ambition” to represent the Glasgow region since 2011.

The shadow minister for equality said he was looking for “new challenges” as he confirmed he will not be seeking re-election as a candidate for next May's Scottish Parliament election.


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Smith, who was named shadow minister for social justice following his election four years ago, went on to be become the party’s spokesperson on the constitution in the run-up to the independence referendum.

The Glasgow list MSP then served as parliamentary private secretary to former leader Jim Murphy as well as the party’s link with the trade unions.

Smith had been at the forefront of attempts to introduce an opt-out organ donation system akin to Wales, while he was also a vocal advocate of same-sex marriage during his time at Holyrood. 

However, he faced calls to resign back in 2013 after being pictured at a trade union protest outside the home of an Ineos director during the Grangemouth dispute.

“It goes almost without saying that it’s been an exciting and challenging time in Scottish politics,” he said in a statement.

“Representing Glasgow has been my highlight but I am grateful for the other opportunities I have had too, particularly serving as chair of the Trades Union Group of Labour MSPs since 2011 and especially to have had a small part in the campaign for equal marriage which was won in this parliament.
“I am thankful first of all to my brilliant staff team as well as to many party members, parliamentary colleagues and former parliamentarians for their support and the encouragement that I have had, including from friends in other parties.

“I’m looking forward to finding new challenges in 2016 with real gratitude for the privilege and opportunity which I have had.  
“My office team and I will continue to do our very best for the remainder of the term, and I will continue to support my friend, Kez Dugdale, as she leads the campaign for a strong team of Labour MSPs in the next parliament.

“I will do everything I can to fully support her and her plan to renew the Scottish Labour Party.”

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