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by Liam Kirkaldy
07 March 2016
Greens must criticise parties on the same side in EU referendum, says Ross Greer

Greens must criticise parties on the same side in EU referendum, says Ross Greer

The Scottish Greens must be willing to criticise parties on the same side in the EU referendum debate, according to Ross Greer.

Speaking at the Scottish Green party conference, West of Scotland candidate Ross Greer expressed concern over the tone of the argument to remain in the EU, saying “we must challenge those who are technically on the same side as us”.

Greer said the case for staying in the EU was at risk of being dominated by big business.


Nicola Sturgeon urges David Cameron to "think twice" about entering Scottish EU referendum debate

Comment: EU in out, shake it all about

Nicola Sturgeon recently warned the Prime Minister to "think twice" about getting involved in the Scottish part of the EU referendum campaign, with the First Minister suggesting David Cameron could do more harm than good.

Ross Greer said: “Despite its flaws Europe has delivered strong protections for workers and public health, and most importantly in my view it has meant the free movement of people which brings huge opportunities to us as individual EU citizens and to our cultures overall. That principle is under pressure amid the refugee crisis and we must defend it against right-wing attacks.

He added: “That is not a Green Europe, we cannot allow that agenda to dominate and Scottish Greens will push back against it to help deliver a positive vote to remain in and truly reform the EU.”

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