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by Sofia Villegas
23 July 2024
Children are more exposed to online deep fakes than adults, Ofcom research finds

Two in ten children are confidentin their ability to identify a deepfake | Alamy

Children are more exposed to online deep fakes than adults, Ofcom research finds

Children have been more exposed to online deepfakes during this year than adults, new Ofcom research has revealed. 

By comparing results from two YouGov surveys, the research revealed significant differences between those aged eight to 15 and those aged 16 and over. 

It showed half of those in the younger age group had seen at least one deepfake compared to 43 per cent of those aged 16 and over, since the beginning of the year.

Meanwhile, females in both age groups reported a higher exposure, with a difference of more than 15 per cent in the adult group. 

Children were also found to be more confident in their ability to detect deepfakes, with their reported levels being 11 per cent higher than the adult cohort. 

Social media apps and video posting platforms, like YouTube, ranked as the top source of deepfake content in both surveys. 

And, the most common type of deepfake 8-15-year-olds say they have encountered was a funny or satirical deepfake, followed by a deepfake scam advert.

Deepfakes of a politician or a political event ranked the highest for adults.

In addition, the adult survey measured the prevalence of sexual deepfakes, highlighting the growing trend of content targeting children. 

Almost 15 per cent reported having seen one since the beginning of the year, with two in 10 admitting it had been of an underaged person. 

The results come after research by the University of Edinburgh revealed more than 300 million across the world were victims of online sex abuse over the last year.

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