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by Josiah Lockhart, Chief Executive at Changeworks
05 September 2024
Associate feature. We must build on success of Area Based Schemes to enable  largescale home decarbonisation and a just transition to net zero

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Associate feature. We must build on success of Area Based Schemes to enable largescale home decarbonisation and a just transition to net zero

Scottish Government-funded Area Based Schemes have been key in delivering home energy efficiency improvements to thousands. We now need to look at how we can continue to build on these successes to scale up home decarbonisation and ensure a just transition to net zero. 


Changeworks’ aim is to scale up our impact to tackle the accelerating climate emergency, and supporting householders is at the heart of decarbonising Scotland’s homes. With the energy and cost of living crises, more people than ever are now in fuel poverty. A key part of ensuring people aren’t left behind in the transition to net zero is to work with councils to maximise delivery from the funding from the Scottish Government. We have no time to waste and need to act now to enable largescale decarbonisation.

For over 35 years, Changeworks has been leading the way in ensuring households across Scotland live more comfortably in affordably warm, well insulated homes. Since 2014, Changeworks has been the largest delivery agent of Energy Efficient Scotland: Area Based Schemes (EES: ABS), Scotland’s government-funded flagship scheme to improve the energy efficiency of homes in areas with high levels of fuel poverty. Working in partnership with councils including Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Moray, Fife, Borders, Midlothian and South Lanarkshire, Changeworks has supported thousands of householders to install energy efficiency measures such as air source heat pumps and insulation. This year, we won over £12m funding to support a further estimated 1,000 householders across Scotland over the coming year.  

Changeworks also works with registered social landlords to identify and develop strategic retrofit projects. We have been successful in supporting clients to unlock grant funding through the Scottish Government Net Zero Heat Fund where we provide full commercial project management and quality assurance throughout delivery in addition to impact evaluation, tenant engagement and post installation support. Since the launch of the scheme, we have been successful in securing and delivering eight grant funded projects and over £5m on behalf of registered social landlords.

Scotland has some of the least energy efficient homes in Europe, with 13% of the country’s greenhouse gas emissions coming from the home. Furthermore, reliance on volatile fossil fuel markets for home heating systems has caused thousands to fall into fuel poverty. Through Area Based Schemes, householders are supported to have better insulated homes, lowering not only their carbon footprint but also their energy bills.  

This work is invaluable to people like Michael, who lives in a top-floor flat in the Borders. Prior to Changeworks’ support, the walls ​of his flat had no insulation, making it difficult to heat. Last year, fear of high energy bills meant Michael was reluctant to switch on his heating. ​​ 

“I could never afford to heat all this flat. In winter, I would only 
heat one room.”​ 

​Michael signed up to the Area Based Scheme running in his area to get internal wall insulation installed. With his flat properly insulated, Michael is now feeling confident about the colder months.​

“I look forward to 
next winter when I 
can be warm.”​ 

While the impact of Area Based Schemes is evident, more can and needs to be done to tackle the dual crises of climate change and fuel poverty. At Changeworks, we offer project-based consultancy and support, delivering low-carbon solutions to improve the energy efficiency of buildings and to effect behaviour change through energy advice and householder engagement.

We provide tailored, innovative solutions to meet net zero targets. This includes developing strategies, delivery models, project management and ensuring quality delivery. Our expert team can undertake research and develop new services, all with a focus on monitoring and evaluation to demonstrate real impact. 

For example, a recent feasibility study undertaken by a design team* led by Changeworks for Midlothian Council provided recommendations on the measures required to achieve the desired energy performance standards and their associated cost. The report included a summary of the existing condition and construction of BISF properties to enable the council to adopt a similar approach to the refurbishment of similar non-traditional or BISF housing stocks. Midlothian Council now have a deeper understanding of the costs, benefits, construction risks and delivery implications of a range of different energy efficient methods and refurbishment specifications.

Furthermore, having worked with 25 local authorities over the past six years supporting them through the Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES) stages, we are expertly placed to support implementation of delivery plans. LHEES are key to setting out the long-term plan for decarbonising heat in buildings and improving their energy efficiency across an entire local authority area. They underpin area-based approaches to heat and energy efficiency planning and delivery, and provide a clear, evidence-based pathway of how to meet net zero targets.

The legacy of Area Based Schemes will deliver long-term benefits and positive outcomes for householders. We now need to look at what is next in terms of developing solution pathways to continue to build on these successes and scale up our impact even further. Changeworks is your partner on the path to net zero. 

*The design team consisted of: CSY Architects, Narro Associates, Horizon M&E Services Design and CBA QS.

This article is sponsored by Changeworks


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