Holyrood Scotland's Heart Supplement / 20 September 2021
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The engine of life: why the work must go on to tackle heart disease. A Holyrood magazine supplement in association with the British Heart Foundation Scotland.
4 Overview: Heart broken
Heart disease is still the leading cause of death in Scotland and will remain so unless more progress is made
6 Interview: Professor James Leiper
As the British Heart Foundation marks its 60th anniversary, Holyrood reflects on its work with the charity’s associate medical director
8 Focus: Prevention
Public health policies focused on the impact on health of smoking, overeating and alcohol can dramatically reduce premature death
10 Focus: Data
Why access to information needs to be at the heart of cardiology
12 Q&A: Opposition health spokespeople
With heart disease stubbornly one of the biggest killers of Scots, Holyrood asks the opposition what they would do to tackle it
- Annie Wells, Scottish Conservatives
- Jackie Baillie, Scottish Labour
- Gillian Mackay, Scottish Greens
- Alex Cole-Hamilton, Scottish Lib Dems
15 Comment: Professor Lis Neubeck
The Head of the Centre for Cardiovascular Health at Edinburgh Napier University and NHS Research Scotland Cardiovascular Disease Network Clinical Lead on embedding research in practice