Holyrood 452 / 5 October 2020
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Scotland's digital sector: Including interview with public finance minister Ben Macpherson and a feature on inclusion and closing the 'digital divide'
3 Editor’s note
It surely is a tangled web that’s been woven. But this is Scotland and that’s how it now rolls.
5 Roundup
Pictures and numbers from the past two weeks
6 Talking Point
Mindfulness lessons from a dog
8 In Context
Examining the Protection of Workers Bill
9 Political Spotlight: Internal Market Bill
How the bill could challenge the nature of devolution
11 Overview: Scotland’s tech sector
The digital sector is in a much stronger postition than most others in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic
14 Focus: Digital health and care
An interview with Professor George Crooks OBE of the Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre
16 Interview: Ben Macpherson
The public finance minister on taking advantage of the surge in digital innovation created by the pandemic
21 Cover story: Digital inclusion
How Connecting Scotland is bridging the digital divide
24 Feature: Selling sex
A look at the arguments around reforming prostitution laws in Scotland
27 Election 2021: Young labour
With the Scottish Labour Party in near terminal decline, is the future in the youth of today?
30 Comment
The next election will be critical for our democracy
31 Event spotlight
Connect: Scotland’s flagship public sector ICT conference
32 Diary
Sweary parrots and the sweet aroma of a fry-up
33 Politicians’ pets
COSLA president Alison Evison introduces her dog, Susie
34 Last Word
Sketch: Michael Gove tries to help