Holyrood 2017/18 Annual Review
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Holyrood Annual ReviewA look back at the Parliamentaty year 2017/18
3 Editor’s note: Mandy Rhodes looks back at the political year
6 Roundup: Pictures, numbers, cartoons and digital highlights from 2017-18
10 Overview: The Political Year 2017-18
16 Political interview: Ian Blackford
23 Nicola Sturgeon: First Minister of Scotland
25 Ruth Davidson: Leader of the Scottish Conservatives
27 Willie Rennie: Leader of the Scottish Liberal Democrats
29 Richard Leonard: Scottish Labour leader
30 Patrick Harvie: Co-convener of the Scottish Greens
32 Education: +Q&A with John Swinney
36 Justice: +Q&A with Humza Yousaf
41 Environment and Rural: +Q&As Roseanna Cunningham and Fergus Ewing
47 Health: +Q&A with Jeane Freeman
55 Transport: +Q&A with Michael Matheson
60 Finance: +Q&A with Derek Mackay
65 External Affairs: +Q&A with Fiona Hyslop
69 constitutional relations: +Q&A with Mike Russell
76 Social Security: +Q&A with Shirley-Anne Somerville
79 Communities: +Q&A with Aileen Campbell
38 LEIDOS: Chief executive Matt Wiles on the digital dialogue with industry
45 BRITISH HEART fOUNDATION: New BHF executive director Jacob West on the politics of health
50 DHI: Digital Health and Care Institute CEO George Crooks
53 CALEDONIAN MACBRAYNE: CalMac’s asset management director Julie Philpot on keeping services running
58 VISITSCOTLAND: Success breeds success, according to chief executive Malcom Roughead
62 SANCTUARY HOUSING: The social housing giant is building success in Scotland
67 COCA-COLA: Working with communities in Scotland
72 HISTORIC EVIRONMENT SCOTLAND: Chief executive Alex Paterson on linking preservation with tourism
74 General Teaching Council: Ken Muir discusses an eventful year for the GTCS
82 REGISTERS OF SCOTLAND: Keeper Jennifer Henderson on securing people’s rights around their property
84 Event Report: A report from Holyrood’s summer drinks receptions
88 Diary: A look at the best diary stories from the past year
90 Last Word: Liam Kirkaldy takes a look at a confusing twelve months in politics