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by Staff reporter
16 April 2020
Working from home: Shona Robison


Working from home: Shona Robison

The SNP MSP for Dundee City East talks us through her working from home set up

This is the view from the dining table currently doubling as my home office, nice glimpse of the Tay which is not too shabby! Nice to look out for a break from the laptop now and then too! Just saw a massive urban fox walk past the window too!

Essential items aside from my laptop include my Still Game mug for regular coffee top up plus this rather frustrating puzzle which is a good stress reliever!!

Top tips are to have regular breaks, keep in contact with colleagues and staff which I find Zoom a newly discovered tool to use! My daily walk has also been really important to get away from leaning over the laptop for hours. 

Distractions include this diva cat Madison plus the news updates which I have on the TV in the background, which I find I need to keep watching as it’s such a fast-moving situation just now.

What I miss is the social interaction with colleagues plus the hubbub of activity of Parliament, not missing the commute to Edinburgh so much though!

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