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by Staff reporter
28 October 2020
Politicians and their pets: Ian Duncan

Ian Duncan and Iggy - Image credit: Ian Duncan

Politicians and their pets: Ian Duncan

Pet’s name?
Fleabag (given name, Iggy)

Long-haired ‘street’ cat

Age? 14

How long have you had her?
12 years

Where did you get her?
She came with my husband, a package deal.

What do you love about her?
Her independence of spirit and unwillingness to respond to any given instruction.

What special talents does she have?
Concealing vomit

What are her most annoying habits?
(see above)

What’s the worst thing she has ever done?
(see above)

What’s the most ridiculous thing you have bought or done for her?
She is a well-travelled cat. She was discovered in a gas station in New York. She was shipped to Brussels, then to London, where she was quarantined for several months. I finally drove her to Glasgow. It would have been cheaper to have had her stuffed and mounted, but my husband objected…

Do you think of yourself as a pet parent or a pet owner?
I see myself more as a pet landlord.

What’s your first pet or animal-related memory?
My sister bought a Labrador puppy, against the wishes of my mother. The first night my sister took it for a walk. As she picked him up to hoist him over the dyke at the foot of the garden, the beast erupted with explosive diarrhoea. This entertained my mother no end and so the puppy was allowed to stay.

If you could have any animal as a pet, what would it be?
Probably a collie.

If you could be any animal, what would you be?
Either a sloth or a trap door spider. Lots of resting with only occasional activity.

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