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by Staff Reporter
05 July 2024
Political Spin: Annie Wells

Annie Wells MSP (Picture: Alamy)

Political Spin: Annie Wells

What was the first record you ever bought?

It was Prince Charming by Adam and the Ants. I went to see them when I was about 15 in Glasgow. I loved the dressing up, the dancing, and putting the paint on my face. I would have been about nine or 10 when I bought it. I had two big cousins who were 10 years older than me, so they influenced me. But I didn’t go as far as the Bay City Rollers.

What record will always get you on the dance floor?

It’s got to be the one and only Dancing Queen by ABBA. You can’t not get up and dance to that. It doesn’t matter where you are, you need to dance or tap your feet. I love that everybody just lets themselves go to that song. 

What is your karaoke song?

I’ve got the most awful voice. Blanket on the Ground by Billie Jo Spears is my song and the reason for that is you can put an accent on it. You can get away with that American twang. So, that’s been my go-to at party conference. 

What song was your first dance at your wedding and why?

I got married in 1992 and there was only one song that year. It was Bryan Adams’ (Everything I Do) I Do It for You. Everyone I know that got married in ‘92 had that as their first dance. It had been in the charts for so long the year before that and it just became the song. Ours was meant to be Jim Reeves’ She Wears My Ring, but nobody really knew that so much, so we ended up having a bit of Jim Reeves and Bryan Adams. 

What songs do you want played at your funeral?

This is hard to pick, and I actually spoke to my girlfriend about it, and I suggested Con te partirò (Time to Say Goodbye) but she says it’s too sad. So I ‘ve decided it would need to be Frank Sinatra’s My Way.

What songs/music is guaranteed to make you cry?

The one for me, and it’s because I was a wee lassie when I watched the film, is Bright Eyes by Art Garfunkel from Watership Down. You see all the wee rabbits, it’s quite sad. When I hear the song, I always go back to being this really young child watching it. 

What music would you always associate with your childhood?

It’s quite varied. My dad’s biggest influence was country music, and Simon and Garfunkel. Hank Williams, Hank Snow, Boxcar Willie, that was the kind of music that he played, and he would play it on the guitar as well. 

If my mum ever got a shot of the music, it was the Andrew Sisters. My mum and dad used to have parties or go to them on a Saturday night. I was the youngest, so I had to go to them, and I would be the DJ playing the Andrews Sisters and dancing with my mum and my two aunties.

What record do you absolutely hate but can’t get out of your head?

There probably aren’t any recently, but that stupid Crazy Frog. That has got to be one of the most irritating songs that I have ever heard. I’m thinking about it and it’s already in my head. 

What record would you be embarrassed to owning up to having in your collection?

There’s quite a few, probably Tom Jones is the worst. I have an album of his and two of the songs on it are What’s New Pussycat? and Sexbomb. We play it when we are mucking about or maybe had a couple of glasses of wine. 

What was the last band you went to see and who with?

My girlfriend and I went to see Elton John’s final tour last year at the Hydro. And the night before we went to see Hans Zimmer in Manchester. 

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