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by Kirsteen Paterson
25 November 2022
Glasgow Councillor Eunis Jassemi: Political Spin

Glasgow Councillor Eunis Jassemi: Political Spin

What is the first record you bought?
The first CD that comes to mind is by Gorillaz. I went through a phase when Feel Good Inc was it for me. I had the poster, the t-shirt, everything by them. I still listen to it on occasion for the throwback.

What music do you associate with your childhood?
My mum played the radio in the kitchen, doing the cleaning, in the car taking me to school, and it was a lot of Britney Spears, Destiny’s Child and Blue. I’ve been influenced by her quite a lot. She’s quite a young mum and songs and artists she’d follow would also be something I would listen to. Hit Me Baby (One More Time) is the ultimate classic, and things like Survivor by Destiny’s Child.

You were elected for the first time in May. Which song do you associate with your win?
We Are the Champions by Queen. After the results, we went out and had a good few drinks then sat in George Square staring at the City Chambers saying, “we’ve done it”. It was a really good feeling.

Do you like a slow jam or a fast beat?
It’s more fast-paced music that gets me up on the dancefloor. My dancing is horrific now, it’s like dad moves, which is a shame because I do love dancing. Anything by Queen will get me up dancing at a wedding. Don’t Stop Me Now is my favourite. The Slosh always comes on at a Scottish Labour conference and a friend will show me how to do it and I’ll follow her lead.

What was the soundtrack to your student days?
I did business and economics at West of Scotland University in Paisley, and Sweet Nothing by Calvin Harris kept coming on when I was studying. I didn’t really go out in Paisley, but I’d bring everyone over to Glasgow for a night out on occasion. I have good memories of The Garage, Kokomo, the ABC...

Who is your favourite artist?
Drake. God’s Plan and Know Yourself are classics that I listen to quite a lot in the car. It’s the tempo, and his lyrics are pretty sound. It’s all tied in well and there are some that get you motivated. Drake is the go-to for me. 

You work for Martin Whitfield MSP. Do you share the same musical tastes?
Classic cheesy songs are probably his go-to. I sometimes wear my headphones in the office, but we don’t play anything out loud. Martin would probably have a bit of a culture shock if I did.

Do you play any instruments?
I used to play piano and I tried the violin as well, years and years ago. I kind of wish I’d kept it up but other things kept getting in the way and rugby took over. I didn’t do grades, and Chopsticks was probably about the best I managed.

What songs are your guilty pleasure?
There’s nothing I’d be embarrassed by because my stuff is pretty cool. I used to listen to Lily Allen quite a lot – things like Not Fair and Smile – which I might get a slagging for listening to, but I don’t think that’s embarrassing, even though I’m probably not the market for Lily Allen.

And what about the ones you hate?
I’ll listen to anything as long as the lyrics are decent and it’s not mad. Hard rock doesn’t appeal to me. 

Which track gets you ready to campaign?
Things Can Only Get Better by D:ream is the ultimate track. There were a few campaign sessions where, just to get us up for it, we would listen to this. It’s always the go-to track for before or after canvassing.

What is your go-to karaoke track?
I don’t tend to do karaoke; it takes quite a lot of Dutch courage to get me up on stage. When I do, I go for I Will Survive, Sweet Caroline, or I Get Around by the Beach Boys, which I think is quite underrated. A few of the MSPs can do karaoke and one Christmas, Monica Lennon and I got up to do one by Pink. There are a few hidden talents around!

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