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by Sophie Adams
28 March 2025
Getting to Know You: Graham Leadbitter

Graham Leadbitter | UK Parliament

Getting to Know You: Graham Leadbitter

What’s your earliest memory? 

It’s a tree actually. My gran’s house in Hamilton had a really prominent tree in the front garden that distinguished it from all the other houses in the street and I remember that being a sign that we were arriving at my gran’s house when I was wee. 

What were you like at school?

I was probably too clever for my own good at times. I tended to be lazy because I found things easy through high school, it was only really when I got to university that I found studying a bit more challenging. So, I probably drove teachers up the wall. I was certainly moved in a lot of classes to the front of the class to stop me talking to people at the back, but I did okay grade-wise. I reasonably enjoyed school, but I think a lot of the teachers probably thought they could get more out of me than I was willing to give at that time.

Did you have any favourite subjects?     

The sciences. I really enjoyed physics and chemistry, and computing, but also music. I had fantastic music teachers at both Oban High School and at Biggar High School. 

Who would be your dream dinner date?

That’s a really tricky question. I think, probably with my science head on, I’d quite like to meet maybe a famous engineer or scientist from the past. Maybe somebody like Telford or Tesla, or maybe somebody like da Vinci – people who have contributed huge amounts to how we live our modern life.

What’s your most treasured possession?

It may seem corny, but our wedding photos. We had such a good party with so many friends sharing the celebration with us. It was just great to have everybody in the same room and have a fantastic night. So, it’s really amazing memories that those photographs trigger off. 

What’s your guiltiest pleasure? 

Cheese. All day long. 

What’s the worst thing anyone’s ever said to you? 

Whenever I do anything prominent in Westminster, or when I was a councillor, it attracts people to comment on your social media and whatnot in a way that’s not normally the case. And for me, they tend to have a go at my appearance because I’m overweight. Yeah, I’m overweight, I know I’m overweight and like many people I’ve tried many times to try and lose that weight, but it’s very frustrating that it’s the first thing that people go for. And I’ve got a thick skin for it but there are many people who find it extremely hurtful and find it really challenging to deal with that. 

As I say, I’ve got a fairly thick skin so I don’t really let insults get to me, but I think that’s where the nastiest stuff comes from because it becomes really personal when people comment about appearance – it’s got nothing to do with the substance of a debate or an argument or a policy or a legislative decision. 

If you could go back in time, where would you go?

I think I’d like to go somewhere like Australia or America before they were colonised to see what they looked like before the modern cities were sprawling everywhere. Just to see the vast continent of North America before hundreds of millions of people lived there. 

What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever had? 

The best advice I’ve had has been from politicians who have been around a long time and have seen things happen. It’s around pragmatism – don’t be overwhelmed by the moment. Things come and go, so if something difficult is happening at the moment, that’s today, that changes. Hold onto pragmatism because you get more done by being able to work with a lot of people. 

Are there any times when you’ve had to put that into practice? 

Yes, I spent four years as a council leader in Moray and throughout that time I was leading a minority administration, working with a significant number of independents and other parties. And that required a lot of work and a lot of phone calls, on a regular basis, to maintain progress and to get things over the line all the time. That level of pragmatism is really important to actually get things done.

Do you have a greatest fear? 

Not really, I’m pretty level on most things. 

What is your top film or TV programme of all time?

Top film series I would say, of all time, is Star Wars, without a doubt. And, if I had to pick an individual film, I’d probably go with The Blues Brothers, just for the total madcap,  laugh-a-minute stuff, and there’s some amazing music in it. 

What was the best holiday you’ve ever had? 

Ten days I spent in Rome with my wife. 

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