Climate Emergency Series: The Future of the Circular Economy in Scotland

This event took place on 21 June 2021 and was chaired by Claudia Beamish, COP26 Spokesperson, Scottish Labour.

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This event examined what the circular economy could mean for Scotland, how sectors can work together better manage our resources, and discussed the strategic challenges and opportunities ahead. It illuminated what's next for the circular economy and how we facilitate people to live more sustainable lives in Scotland. 

We examined the effect pandemic has had on our production and consumption; how to embed circular principles in our Green Recovery and how we ensure that the waste and resources sector is able to fulfil its maximum contribution towards Scotland’s journey to net-zero.

This event is part of Holyrood's Climate Emergency Series, held in the run to COP26. The series will engage key decision-makers and stakeholders in discussions about how Scotland can secure a net-zero through a more inclusive and sustainable recovery from the COVID-19 crisis.