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by Anas Sarwar
29 August 2024
Anas Sarwar: Time for change

Anas Sarwar | Anna Moffat

Anas Sarwar: Time for change

When I sat down to write my 2023 year in review for Holyrood last year, our political landscape – in Scotland and across the UK – was very different. 

Here in Scotland, Humza Yousaf was still trying to settle into his role as first minister while dealing with almost weekly revelations about the ongoing scandals in the SNP. Rishi Sunak, reeling from defeat in local elections across England and Wales, was planning on re-building his premiership and would not be drawn on calling a general election.

And on the streets of Rutherglen and Hamilton West, Scottish Labour was taking our message of change to the people in a by-election in which then modern studies teacher Michael Shanks was our candidate.

In the space of only 12 months, our political landscape has profoundly changed here in Scotland and across the UK. The spark for that change in Scotland was the Rutherglen and Hamilton West by-election. It was Scottish Labour that led the way on campaigning to ensure that the recall petition would pass – securing the first successful recall in Scotland by thousands of votes.

And from day one, it was clear that the area was crying out for change. After years of being failed by Margaret Ferrier of the SNP, people were desperate for serious and dedicated representation. While the SNP did what it could to avoid facing up to 17 years of failure, Scottish Labour focused on a clear message of change and hope.

It was that message that resonated with the people of Rutherglen and Hamilton West and led to a swing of over 20 per cent to Scottish Labour from the SNP, and Labour securing over half of the vote – delivering the first SNP defeat in a Westminster by-election. From that moment, it became clear that all of Scotland was ready for change.

Within a matter of months, the SNP-Green coalition had collapsed and Humza Yousaf had been replaced by John Swinney. When Rishi Sunak finally called a general election from the steps of Downing Street on a blustery, wet May afternoon, Scottish Labour was ready to hit the ground running.

Scottish Labour’s message was clear. From a New Deal for Working People to deliver strengthened workers’ rights and boost wages, to GB Energy – a publicly owned energy company based here in Scotland to bring down bills and deliver jobs – Scottish Labour took a message of optimism and hope to Scotland.

I travelled across our country throughout the election and the exasperation with the failing SNP and Tory governments was clear. In place of Tory and SNP failure, we offered change – and that is what the Scottish people decided they wanted.

And at the general election we delivered a political earthquake – with 37 Scottish Labour MPs being elected across Scotland, from the Western Isles to South Ayrshire and East Lothian. The people of the United Kingdom have put their trust in Labour and Labour is already getting to work in government to deliver for Scots.

Since the election the Labour government has started work on enshrining our New Deal for Working People into law – delivering a proper pay rise for over 200,000 Scottish workers. We have passed the legislation needed to get GB Energy up and running, delivering jobs and cutting bills in Scotland. And we have repealed damaging Tory anti-strike legislation and delivered the economic stability needed to help thousands of Scots with their mortgages.

Despite uncovering a hidden £22bn black hole in the public finances left by the Tories before they were booted out, this Labour government is delivering for the people of the UK and delivering on its election promises. 

But the fact is that the general election is only the start of the change that Scotland needs.

Here in Scotland, we still have a tired, out of touch and chaotic SNP government that is failing the people of Scotland day in and day out. Over the last year, Scottish Labour has held this SNP government to account at Holyrood – from their decision to hike taxes on working Scots to their disastrous stewardship of our NHS and public services.

The simple fact is that this SNP government is holding Scotland back.

As we speak, nearly one in six Scots are stuck on soaring NHS waiting lists, with thousands being forced to empty their savings accounts to get the healthcare they need in the private sector.

Our education system remains in a mess – with the poverty related attainment gap widening once again as the potential of our young people is wasted away.

Economic growth remains sluggish, with the government missing its own growth targets and Scotland failing to keep up with other parts of the UK on key economic metrics. And the ruling party remains mired in scandal, with an ongoing police investigation and daily recriminations between the warring factions.

The simple fact is that after 17 years, the SNP is out of steam, out of ideas and out of time. The time for change has come.

As we look towards the Scottish Parliament elections in 2026, Scottish Labour is determined to do what it can to deliver the change that Scotland needs. The work to deliver that change starts now. From our economy to our public services and our NHS, Scottish Labour is ready to set out the change that Scotland needs.

The task won’t be easy, but we have shown at the general election that we are ready to defy the odds.

Right now, under the SNP, Scots are paying the price of government failure. 

While economic growth has flatlined and public services have been plunged into chaos, the SNP has hiked tax on working Scots including those earning only £29,000 a year. At the same time the legion of government staff and spin doctors has rocketed, with millions more being shelled out every year. 

It is simply wrong that the working people of Scotland are being asked to pick up the tab for government failure. When the SNP is challenged on the state of our public services all it can point to is the amount of money being spent on services.  If more money is being put in but services are getting worse, then there is clearly something deeply wrong with how the services are being run. 

Under the SNP, Scots are expected to pay more for poorer services and be grateful for it. This is unacceptable. Scots should not be picking up the tab for almost two decades of SNP failure.

That’s why Scottish Labour will work day and night to win the trust of the people of Scotland so that we can deliver the change that Scotland needs. 

The 2026 Scottish Parliament election is our opportunity to turn the page on almost two decades of SNP rule that has held Scotland back.

From the NHS to our economy and schools, Scottish Labour has a plan to cut red tape and deliver value for money for the working people of Scotland.

In our NHS we will tackle needless bureaucracy to empower doctors and nurses – making use of advances in technology to make sure Scots get the care they need. 

In our schools we will tackle the attainment and the opportunity gap and we will support Scotland’s universities and colleges. 

And we will get our economy thriving again by closing skills gaps, working in partnership with businesses and promoting Brand Scotland around the globe.

We can build a healthier, happier and more prosperous Scotland together. This is the change that is on offer in Scotland and this is the change that Scottish Labour will work to deliver for the people of Scotland. 

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